Sometimes what makes something scary is its context. A cat, curled up peacefully on a lap, full of tuna and dreaming of rooftop adventures, is charming.
This guy, lurking in the city's underbelly, next to a stark warning, means business. And his business is clearly demonic. Ignore that advice at your peril.
What happens if you crack open the Dreamies for him? Who can say? No one ever lives to tell the tale...except that one guy with the can of black spray paint and he's in witness protection now.
Whatever made that little guy a monster definitely all started here:
Clearly, a cat living its nine lives simultaneously, just in different dimensions, travelling through space and time through cracks in the architecture. I think that is obvious to everyone, right?
That's just what cats do. You've seen them, staring at nothing midway up a wall. I say nothing, when what I mean is nothing in THIS dimension. Somewhere, sometime other than this, a spider is crawling down a similar wall, or a piece of ham has been placed on a shelf. Same with the zoomies in the wee small hours - nothing is chasing them HERE and NOW...but in a place far. far away, long ago or years from now, they are dealing with forces so terrible they would turn your hair white.
And if you were wondering whee that little guy appeared from, well look no further. Here he is at an inter-galatic space/time station, waiting to catch a slipstream to somewhere with a better class of treats and some recently emptied cardboard boxes for him to curl himself into a pretzl and squish himself in.
He's fairly sure there's a slipstream due any minute.
Just remember, if you see him out on the prowl, don't feed him unless you want to become his next toy.
Context is Queen. A fish out of water is in peril, a cat out of water is living its best life.
A man with a bloody knife in a butcher's shop is probably just trimming some lamb chops. A man with a bloody knife wandering the street at midnight is worth crossing the road to avoid, at the very least.
A fish with a bloody knife, on the street at midnight, chasing a cat that just appeared through a crack in the wall? There's a story.